December 2018 International SAT Test QAS Paper(PDF)第0张

December 2018 International SAT Test QAS Paper(PDF)

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December 2018 International SAT Test QAS Paper(PDF)

Reading Test

Questions 1-10 - Literature - December 2018 International SAT Test QAS

This passage is adapted from R.K Narayan,"The Edge."©1994 by R.K.Narayan.

Questions 11-21 - History- December 2018 International SAT Test QAS

This passage is adapted from Walt Whitman's open letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson,August 1856.The full letter was published with Leaves of Grass,a collection of Whitman's poetry.The United States has very good literary .

Summary:potential, and many literary works should appear to describe the American lives. At the same time, the United States has gained the inheritance of the English language itself, which is a legacy that should be used. However, one should not completely follow the things obtained in the past, but use one's own good atmosphere (democracy, freedom) and strong life atmosphere to completely create one's own literary content. Write your own poems and create your own works of art. Only in this way can it be considered to have its own culture, one's own descendants, and one's true flesh and blood.

Questions 22-32- Natural Science - December 2018 International SAT Test QAS

This passage is adapted from "Beetles and Bugs", ©2015 by The Economist Newspaper Limited. 

Summary:Regarding a pesky coffee bug, it eats coffee beans exclusively, which brings huge losses to agriculture. These bugs are immune to the toxic reaction of caffeine in coffee beans. Scientists suspect it is because of some kind of bacteria in the intestine.

Questions 33-42 - Social Science - December 2018 International SAT Test QAS

This passage is adapted from Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman,Sway:The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior.©2008 by Ori  Brafman and Rom Brasfman.

Questions 43-52 - Science - December 2018 International SAT Test QAS

Passage1 is adapted from David Quammen.The Fight of the Iguana:A Sidelong View of Science and Nature.©1998 by David Quammen.Passage 2 is adapted from for Science & the Public,"Tiny Earthworms'Big Impact."©2011 by Cecile LeBlanc.


December 2018 International SAT Test QAS Paper(PDF) include:

Reading Test

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